
Basics of Latin: A Grammar with Readings and Exercises from the Christian Tradition is unavailable, but you can change that!

Basics of Latin: A Grammar with Readings and Exercises from the Christian Tradition by Derek Cooper introduces students, independent learners, and homeschoolers to the basics of Latin grammar with all readings and exercises taken from texts in the Christian tradition. As part of the widely-used Zondervan Language Basics series of resources, Cooper’s Latin grammar is a student-friendly...

case is expressed in English by the prepositions “to” or “toward.” Examples: “toward life,” “the churches,” “John,” “a scroll.” Manichaéus est quī ábnegat vēritā́tem, quī carnem Christī negat. (Ambrose of Milan)13 A Manichaean is he who denies the truth and rejects the flesh of Christ.14 1.11 Ablative Case. This case may express manner, means, separation, agency, instrumentality, time, place, etc. It also often indicates motion away from something, which is the opposite of the accusative case (indicating
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